JS Fundamentals Course - missing files

Здравейте, в секциите Data Types and Variables, Conditional Statements, Loops, Arrays файловете с code examples липсват от One Drive. Може ли да ги качите отново или да ги копирате тук? Благодаря :slight_smile:

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Arrays code example links:
01.days-of-week DaysOfWeek - Pastebin.com
02.reverse reverse - Pastebin.com
03.reverse-with-push reverse-with-push - Pastebin.com
04.print-array array - Pastebin.com
05.symmetry-check symmetry-array - Pastebin.com
06.sum-and-product sumandproduct - Pastebin.com
07.move-elements-to-another-array moveElements - Pastebin.com
08.string to array stringToArray - Pastebin.com
Утре ще продължа ,че заби Pastebin.
Happy coding!!!

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Conditionlals examples:
01.logical-operators logicalOperations - Pastebin.com
02.if-else statement if-else - Pastebin.com
03.odd-even odd-even - Pastebin.com
04.multiple if else multiple if - Pastebin.com
05.nested if nested if - Pastebin.com
06.switch switch clause - Pastebin.com
07.switch fall through switchfallthrough - Pastebin.com

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Работи, извинявам се. Ровил съм в грешната категория Shared files