Задачата е:
Most people believe that 1 human year (~HY~) equals 7 dog years (~DY~), however, dogs reach adulthood in approximately 2 human years.
So it’s better to count the first two HY as 10 DY each and then count the remaining HY as 4 DY each.
Write a program that correctly converts human years (HY) to dog years (DY). You may need some form of conditional logic.
Ето го кодът ми:
let HY = [
let print = this.print || console.log;
let gets = this.gets || ((arr, index) => () => arr[index++])(HY, 0);
if (HY > 2) {
let DY = (2*10) + (HY-2)*4
} else {
let DY = HY*10;
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